Friday, 1 May 2015

PDF⋙ Islam in America (Columbia Contemporary American Religion Series) by Jane I. Smith

Islam in America (Columbia Contemporary American Religion Series) by Jane I. Smith

Islam in America (Columbia Contemporary American Religion Series)

Islam in America (Columbia Contemporary American Religion Series) by Jane I. Smith PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This richly textured, critically acclaimed portrait of American Muslims introduces the basic tenets of the Muslim faith, surveys the history of Islam in North America, and profiles the lifestyles, religious practices, and worldviews of Muslims in the United States. The volume focuses specifically on the difficulty of living faithfully and adhering to tradition while adapting to an American way of life and addresses the role of women in Muslim culture, the raising and education of children, appropriate dress and behavior, and incidences of prejudice and unfair treatment.

The second edition of Islam in America features a new chapter on post-9/11 realities, which covers infringements on civil rights and profiling, participation in politics, transformations in Islamic law, pluralism and identity issues, foreign influences, anti-Islamic sentiment, intra-Islamic tensions, and the quest for a moderate Islam. Source notes, glossary, and additional resources also reflect recent developments and scholarship.

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Islam in America (Columbia Contemporary American Religion Series) by Jane I. Smith EPub

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